We stayed for a night at my good friend PenDull's house.
I had talked with him about Magic many times but we had never played a game and he didn't know how to play and neither did his wife.
On Saturday night we decided to give it a try. I busted out my 6 basic mono-colored Old School decks and we had a go.
Everyone was allowed to pick the deck they wanted to play.
The decks I brought were:
- Mono-Red Goblins
- Mono-Brown Artifacts
- Mono-Blue Merfolk
- Mono-Green "Go Green"
- Mono-White Soldiers
- Mono-Black Thrulls
His wife had first pick and she picked the Artifact deck.
He picked the Goblin deck.
My wife picked her favorite color with the Thrull Deck.
I picked last and went with the Soldier deck.
We busted out some beer and some munchies and had a very fun couple of hours playing a 4-player free-for-all game.
Good times.
The next day we had some time before the conference so we walked down State street and stopped in a game store called the Power9.
They had lots of singles and packs from way back in Magic's history.
I picked up 2 packs of Fallen Empires and one pack of Chronicles.
I didn't pull anything crazy, but I was able to add some nice cards to the collection.
There are some nice cards in there.
When we left Power9 we noticed on the street there was a Black Lotus!
I have never seen one in the wild!
We had fun in Madison and hopefully I will get to play more Magic with them in the future.
Until then.