Thursday, August 8, 2019

Summer Derby results

I have now played in the last Winter Derby and this past Summer Derby.

My record in both is quite bad but I always enjoy playing the games and meeting new people.  In my previous post I had talked about the evolution of my Erhnamageddon deck.  I took the newest incarnation of it to the Summer Derby.

My Summer Derby 2019 deck

I called this version Boreal'Geddon. I added in Jasmine Boreal a legend from Legends as an additional Erhnam Djinn.  She is a 4/5 for 3GW with no drawbacks, which for Old School is a pretty decent creature.

Another thing I did was build a sideboard that I thought would be useful against certain decks.  

Against Mono Black my sideboard included 2 Derelors so their Terrors and Protection from White creatures would be less useful.  I also had 3 Whirling Dervishes as anti-Black creatures.

The Clockwork Avians did double duty as they are also immune to Terror and The Abyss and are a few extra flyers if necessary.

Against Artifacts I had 2 Dust to Dust.

I had 4 Spirit Links to deal with lots of Creatures or to gain life if I needed to.

If my opponenet had City in a Bottle I could remove the Erhnams for the Derelors and Clockwork Avians.  

If he has Moats and was playing some sort of control build then the Clockwork Avians could help along with the Avoid Fates.

I had some decent ideas and reasons for why I played the above Deck and why my sideboard was constructed the way it was.  I had just missed one key fact.

The format was Atlantic.  

Atlantic's restricted list favors a certain type of build which I hadn't realized until I started playing opponents and talking to them about the format and their decks after our matches were over.

What Atlantic does is restrict Strip Mine but not Mishra's Workshop.  This favors heavy Artifact builds and almost pushes out many budget builds unless they are built with this format in mind.  

I hadn't adjusted my deck accordingly and without the extra 3 Strip Mines I would have liked to have played in this deck I had some serious issues.  I also should have added in more Dust to Dust and maybe even considered a 3rd color to add in Energy Flux.

As you can see after some inspiration from Edwin The Magic Engineer (which if you haven't already subscribed to his channel on YouTube you probably should at least watch his Old School content, it's very well done and well thought-out.) I modified my Erhnamageddon Deck again.

Here is the newest build:

I didn't win a single match but that doesn't mean I didn't have fun.

I really do appreciate the work that DFB does to put on these online Derby tournaments and I will continue to participate in the future.  Hopefully I will do better next time.

Next article will be on my Gen Con 2019 Experience.  I had a great time playing in 2 Old School tournaments.

Until Then...

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