Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What is Kitchen Table Old School?

I have been thinking a lot recently about what I want this blog to be about.

I think it will not only be about my journey through Old School Magic but also have a main focus on non-tournament events.  What I mean by that is I want this blog to be for those who aren't necessarily interested in Deck Tech or tournament reports. 

I really enjoy the game but I am not a "Spike" and I am more interested in the gameplay and in alternate forms of game play besides one-on-one competitive tournament play.

I remember fondly of when I was in junior high and high school and I played Magic with my friends around a kitchen table or dining room table or even on the floor.  Most of the games I played were multiplayer.  I remember one game at a friend's house where the game had 8 people and it was just total chaos, anyone could target anyone and the game lasted the whole afternoon.  I also distinctly remember my friend's mom bringing out a plate of homemade cookies for us at one point.

These memories are why I am interested in Old School.  Playing with the cards that got me into the game in the first place is really why I am into this format. 

I want this blog to be about multiplayer and alternate ways of playing magic, from Two-Headed Giant to Emperor to custom Battle Boxes and custom Cubes even to a Solitaire variant I remember reading about in an old Duelist (or maybe it was Inquest) magazine.

With the above being said I have three projects I am working on.

I will make a post for each of these in the future but here are the basics:

- Old School 95 Cube: I have assembled a cube which I will post the list of in a future blog post.  I will also be evolving the cube as it gets played.  This weekend may be the first time I get to try it out!

- The Brothers War Vanguard Battle Box: I am in the process of assembling 5 mono-colored decks with an emphasis on Artifacts and the Antiquities Expansion.  This will include a specific Vanguard card for each deck.

- Scryings Expansion Cube: I will assemble the Scryings Expansion that Magnus has put together and create a custom Cube with the contents of the Scryings expansion. 

I will probably have a blog post about the OS 95 Cube after I test it out this weekend, supposing all goes according to plan.

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